Faux Wood Beams – Get Our Free Guide
Faux wood beams are a great way to add character to any room! Beams instantly draw your eyes to the ceiling and add so much dimension to any space! We have added wood beams to many rooms in our house using the same technique, but just changing some of the dimensions! “How to make wood beams is a question” we get asked to share all the time! We decided it was worth creating a free guide, sharing some really helpful info when making wood beams!
Faux Wood Beams – Our free guide covers some the basics of building faux beams, the typical hanging method, and it even shows our easy formula to help get equal spacing in a room!
Scroll down to the end of this post to get the Faux Wood Beams- Free Guide!

If you are new to DIY you can check out this helpful post on Top Tools To Get You Started On DIY!